Our Work
Develop and execute an immersive and experiential two-day, leadership team workshop to accelerate culture, collaboration, and a people-first agenda for this newly formed organization.
Reduce the high turnover and poor engagement scores of Cruise Specialists, a critical role in the organization. Turnover reached upwards of 30% and ASA above 10 seconds, with 100% occupancy rates.
Design a one-day immersion experience for SmartNews’ top 60 leaders to increase engagement and collaboration and develop an innovation mindset.
Design a one-day leadership team workshop that goes beyond what we typically achieve in our boring team meetings.
The McDonald’s team in Canada presented us with a great challenge – create ideas rooted in deep insight to increase our breakfast occasion traffic by building consumer habits and using coffee as the hero.
Culture would be the key to the revitalization of a global icon. Create an approach at Coca-Cola where everyone in the organization believes it is their inherent role to innovate.
Develop and execute a high-energy, immersive and experiential, two-day, finance leadership Ignitor Culture Workshop to accelerate culture, collaboration, and a people-first agenda throughout NCLH.
Design and facilitate an associate experience at The Coca-Cola Company’s Foodservice and On-Premise National Meeting, including the development of a keynote address
How can Gildan better share their ESG efforts and impact with employees, customers, partners, decorators, and consumers?
Create the open space which inspires sparks of creativity that will loosen the perceived rules, eliminate the pain points, and transform how food and beverage are experienced by AMC Theatre guests.
”The Ignitor Team sparked our London HR offsite with new thinking and challenged us to prioritize People to the top of our strategic agenda. We left inspired, focused, and the output was super professional."
Lisa Chang // SVP & Chief People Officer // The Coca-Cola Company
”The Ignitor Team led our top 60 leaders on an unforgettable experience through the streets of Honolulu and Waikiki beach. Ignitor delivers a high energy experience that yields results and follow up. They push you outside of your comfort zone, sparking new thinking and better team alignment.”
AJ Brustein // Head of Marketing, Communications, & Innovation // SmartNews
“The term ‘art and science’ gets thrown around a lot these days, but Ignitor truly does blend the two to help teams generate breakthrough ideas. The process uses a variety of techniques to develop ideas that fit the organization - not so big that they overwhelm (pivoting the entire business to crypto) but not so small that they fail to inspire (launching yet another flavor extension).
There are no shortages of talent out there, but it's not enough to just get smart and creative people together in a room and turn them loose to brainstorm. Do that and you’re leaving money on the table. This traditional approach may lead to incremental improvements - but does not harness the full potential of the group. The magic comes from the process, managing all the little details to create the perfect conditions for fresh thinking and new ideas.”
Rob Cartwright // Vice President, Insights // JP Morgan Chase
“A leader’s role is to hold a space for possibility, to encourage participation and enable people to bring their full contributions. Their role is not to limit possibility, allowing a broader perspective before homing in on action.
Ignitor brings together different minds and allows people to bring their independent selves in – to ignite a world of possibility, together. It enables a broader perspective before focusing on final outcomes. It supports a non-linear way of thinking in the belief that you don’t always know the answer before you start.
Being a part of the Ignitor team and network has helped me uncover and realize this power. It’s opened my eyes to the power of collective thinking in empowering people and driving results.”
Vanessa Toperczer // Senior Vice President // IMI International